Formest and Biofarm: actions supporting nature!

Climate change due to pollution has led to a transformation of the land. It not only causes environmental damage, but also harms all the companies that add value to the land and harvest fruit from it.

    These processes, that lead to the deterioration of the environment, have an impact on our daily lives, on the food we eat and the air we breathe.

    Today, the devastating climate crisis inflicting our planet is causing serious damage to agriculture. Every year about 25,000 farmers abandon the fields ( ), thus risking a decrease in the healthy practice of organic farming.

    We are aware of the effects a company can have on the environment. Which is why we try to reduce our impact by only using renewable energy to power our production process and by supporting projects to maintain biodiversity.

    Similarly, we are aware of how difficult it can be to invest in yourself and your ideas. 

      Formest is now a well-structured professional organisation recognised for its skills and professionalism, but we started out from the investment that two brothers made in their own ideas.

      This is why we chose to support the Biofarm association, which networks and supports a number of Italian farms implementing organic production processes. We have been deeply involved in this project from the very beginning, as we see Formest’s beginnings in every small farm. They are businesses that are focused, first and foremost, on the quality of their products.

      Knowing that adopting a tree and supporting Italian organic farming not only leads to a shorter supply chain with a smaller environmental impact, but also improves the lifestyle of our employees, makes us even more proud of our choices.

        To date, we have adopted several fruit trees, so we receive the ripe fruit, which are distributed among our employees when they are delivered. The opportunity to consume organically grown produce leads to a lower environmental impact, as it respects the natural cycles of the soil, water, plants and animals. It also helps us to share and adopt healthy eating habits. Organic products have no chemical compound residue or traces of GMO products. 

        On 20 June 2023, the first two fruit boxes arrived, filled with delicious apricots that we shared with the families of our employees and, in September, the limes arrived with which we prepared sweets and lemonade for all our workers.


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