Formest: working towards reducing our environmental impact

A path to reducing deforestation by guaranteeing biodiversity

    Christmas for Formest is all about sharing. We often try to create moments for sharing with our employees because we firmly believe that being part of a group is the basis for feeling good in the company. We do our best to show our gratitude to our employees and customers. Over the years, we have decided to show our appreciation for the Earth as well.


    The climate crisis, that is inflicting our planet, leads to a reduction in biodiversity and the deforestation of natural areas. This not only causes environmental damage, it also causes losses for all those companies that add value to and work the land. These serious consequences are caused by human activity and mostly by companies.


      Here in Formest, we have recognised our corporate social responsibilities for many years. Since 2019, we have only been using energy from renewable sources. We have chosen limitless sources that do not harm our surroundings. We try to make a contribution to sustainability, so that what we do also creates value for society and the environment. Over the years, we have chosen to support several projects in support and the defence of nature, as well as social cooperation. These include the initiative: “adopt your own beehive” by the 3Bee association

        For Christmas 2021, however, we chose to go one step further by supporting the “wownatur” project, thus demonstrating our gratitude to our customers through a moment of solidarity towards the Earth.


        We gave our customers a tree - a small gesture - that has an enormous significance for us. The opportunity to contribute to the creation of a forest in the Brenta River Park and to cooperate with the local area in which we are located, through gestures of environmental support and solidarity. This makes us proud of our choices.

          Today, however, we will showcase just one of them: the blackthorn, a perennial shrub that forms impenetrable hedges providing shelter for small animals. We think this kind of tree best embodies the social values of Formest, a company that also represents family, sharing and support. 


          On April 11, the day arrived to plant our small trees. This carefree moment, shared with both our workers and all the other people who supported the project, was important to us. Rediscovering direct contact with nature and knowing that we have made a significant contribution, in our own small way, has made us proud of ourselves, our co-workers and the path of growth that we are pursuing.

          We were thus able to make a small gesture that conceals our gratitude towards our employees, customers and nature.


          Design and production experience in light metalworking of guarding, and cabins for machine tools and industrial plants.

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